To: Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson & Johnson, CEO, Chairman of the Board Johnson & Johnson, President Donald Trump, and The United States Senate

Johnson & Johnson, Follow your corporate credo to "fix our mistakes"

My best friend is un-necessarily dying a slow, horrible death due to a mistake in a clinical trial that made Johnson & Johnson over $1 Billion last year alone. Johnson refuses to help.
Large Corporations made up of HUMANS, need to start acting like HUMANS and end the EXCUSE that CORPORATIONS ARE NOT EXPECTED TO BE HUMAN for the sake of a bit more profit.

Why is this important?

Please visit for the detailed story.

For over 7 years Tony only ever had one type of very mild psoriasis on his knees and elbows.

He took part in a clinical trial for a new psoriasis treatment. After one year, he had to quit the study. 60 days after stopping the drug, 95% of the skin peeled off his body. For the past 5 years, he has been 65-90% covered with 6 different types of psoriasis. HE IS DYING. Johnson & Johnson, a family company has been unwilling to help in any way. Alex Gorsky, the CEO ignored the presentation you can see at the link below.

Johnson needs to Give Tony the information, medical expertise and resources needed to determine what went wrong, seek the best treatment resources and let him live or die with some dignity.


Please sign this petition. Please forward this story to your friends and family and encourage them to do the same. Tony's life REALLY DOES depend on this.


Tony's Friends and Family

Please see our VIDEO for the whole story at This could very easily happen to someone you love, too. We DESPERATELY need your help, literally to save his life.
