To: Jill Abramson, Executive Editor, NY Times, Executive Editor, NY Times and Andrew M Rosenthal, Op-Ed Editor, NY Times, Editor, NY Times

Demand the NY Times Apologize for Hate Speech

An excerpt from the article in question:

My view is that one really ought to question Israel’s right to exist and that doing so does not manifest anti-Semitism. - Joseph Levin, Professor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts

Ask yourself this question, what would the world's reaction be to the NY Times publishing an editorial questioning Canada's right to exist? Why is Israel's right to exist in question? Israel has every feature of a modern, democratic state. Most importantly, Israel has Israelis. A call for the destruction of Israel is a call for the destruction of her people - Jewish, Druze, Christian and Arab alike. That is hate speech.

Please, sign this petition and help send a message to the Editirial Board of the NY Times.

Why is this important?

The purpose of this petition is to combat the demonization and delegitimization of the State of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East and the national home of the Jewish people.