To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Join the fight for Fair FICA!
Many of us workers are struggling in this difficult economy and counting on Social Security for our retirement. Instead of Congress raising Social Security taxes on working class folks to 6.2% (which means a 2% pay cut that jeopardizes our household budgets and our economy), we demand fairer Social Security rates for all! Tell Congress, "Don't raise working class Social Security taxes or cut our retirement benefits. Do require the rich to pay their fair share on all earned income like the rest of us." Currently Medicare withholding works this way, so there's no reason we can't do the same with Social Security. Join the fight for economic justice and a Fair FICA!
Why is this important?
Why should we low to moderate income workers pay much higher Social Security tax rates than millionaires?!? Right now only the first $113,000 in wages is subject to Social Security tax, so those of us making under $113,000 are paying a higher percentage of our income for Social Security payroll taxes than those making much more! The system is upside down with those at the top earning millions paying a far lower percentage of their income for Social Security than the rest of us!