To: The North Carolina State House
Joseph Selby II: Create programs for criminals with misdemeanors.
Provide not just programs, but also jobs for those with violent and non- violent misdemeanor records.
Why is this important?
I am concerned about the state at which my city, (Wilmington, NC) has programs for felons, yet as of my knowledge, there are no programs for those with misdemeanors. As a citizen with misdemeanors and a family to support, I feel as though there could be plenty of more jobs created for those such as myself, (whether it be violent or non- violent). I feel as though my generation along with today's youth in the southern portions of North Carolina could benefit from such programs other than work- first, job rehabilitation, etc.. Some of us don't have what it takes to go into business for ourselves, as this seems to be the only outlet in my case with schooling. My record wont allow me to have a job in some of the smallest places and lowest paying jobs here in Wilmington. This is how I am affected everyday when applying for employment. It's just my personal opinion that even misdemeanor violent offenders still have the right to work in support of their families as well as themselves. In my opinion, everyone deserves a chance to better themselves by bringing home the bacon. There is no deadline for this petition, but I am requesting that anyone with troubled youth or a record with violent or non- violent misdemeanors please consider this as it could lead to new and improved behaviors for the benefit of our city which will in turn lower the crime rate because these type of criminals may see a way out instead of hustling back to the block or just hanging out because there are no real outlets here in Wilmington.