To: Board of education, For Slc School distric

Jrotc, East High School

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

This petition, shows the strong opinion of many, who believe that the JROTC program of East High School, SLC, should NOT be dismantled.

Why is this important?

The Army JROTC program at East High School was the first one ever in Utah. This battalion has been a strong and functioning unit for over 100 years. This program is a major service to the larger community surrounding East High. It helps troubled kids get back on track for a better future. It helps people who are already on a good track stay on a good track. It is meant to show people how to be better citizens; on the whole, it is meant to build stronger connections, stronger people, and to make a positive change in this world. Dr. Sagers, our school principal, wants to dismiss this program because we are "a drain on funds." The cadets of the Leopard Battalion believe that through the hard efforts of our motivated cadets and supporters funds can be found. The cadets of this fine unit thank you for your support. We hope that we can keep our unit from being dismantled this coming January. Please help. - East High JROTC
