To: Judge Kenneth R. Lester Jr., Circuit Court Judge

Judge Lester "Keep George Zimmerman Jailed"

Trayvon Martin only had one chance and George Zimmerman took that away from him and his family. George continues to lie and mislead the Martin family and the court system and this is unacceptable. Judge Lester George had the opportunity to tell you and america about the funds in the account and the second passport but he elected to mislead everyone watching. By speaking in code with his spouse about the funds he clearly understood what he was doing and now should receive no more chances to explain himself. Judge Lester please keep George Zimmerman jailed until his trial.

Why is this important?

Trayvon Martin only had one chance and George Zimmerman took that away from him and his family. Now George Zimmerman and his attorney believes it's okay to mislead the court system so he can enjoy his freedom while the Martin family seeks justice.