To: T.J. Hauler, Judge

Judge T.J. hauler MUST RESIGN for being dismissive of sexual assault

Judge Hauler has a history of releasing sexual predators without following laws to punish them for their awful. He needs to resign.

Why is this important?

Logan Michael Osborn bound a 14-year-old girl with a belt and sexually assaulted her. Osborn pled guilty and was sentenced to time in prison, butCircuit Court Judge T.J. Hauler in Chesterfield County, Virginia decided to suspend the prison term entirely--and now Osborn gets to walk free.

A psychologist said that Osborn is likely to offend again, but the judge still let him go. This is not the first time Judge Hauler has let off a violent offender. He also released a rapist who went on to kill his father-in-law once set free.

We have to stop judges from letting off sexual predators without regard for the consequences. Judge Hauler must be forced to resign.
