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To: Judge Christine Van Aken, The Honorable

Judge Van Aken: Release Kevin Epps on Bail

We strongly support the release of Kevin Epps on bail while he awaits trial. The claim that he presents a danger to the community is unsubstantiated and it is false. He and his family should not be deprived of his freedom while he fights his case in the courts.

Why is this important?

Kevin Epps, an award-winning filmmaker and social justice activist, is being held without bail in the San Francisco County jail. He has been in custody since May 7, 2019, and is claiming self-defense for a 2016 incident in which he was never charged. Judge Van Aken denied bail to Kevin based on preliminary evidence that led her to believe that he is a danger to the community. Several court hearings later, we believe that the evidence against Kevin has not held up to justify her initial judgment. We are asking Judge Van Aken to reconsider releasing Kevin Epps on bail to best serve him, his family, and the community.

Since 2016, Kevin continued to work as a filmmaker, has been a caretaker for his mother and children, and posed absolutely no substantial threat toward anyone.

For more information on his case and to support him and his family directly, please go to his GoFundMe campaign:



2019-12-13 13:31:23 -0500

Next court date: Tuesday, December 17th 9:00 a.m.
850 Bryant Street - Department 20 (second floor) S.F.

2019-12-13 13:28:59 -0500

This petition helped to make a difference! Judge Van Aken granted bail to Kevin on August 14, 2019!!! Kevin and his family send their thanks to each and every one of you who signed and shared this petition!