To: Laurent Iadeluca, retired

Judicial Review board

Too many bad decisions are made in Civil or Criminal courts due to personal comportent or predispositions of sitting judges. The judicial appeal process is unfair & inefficient as it is too costly for the common man and when judges are brought up for review they are judged on their form not the content of their judgements. The judiciary, with the lone exception of its lowest grade, is comprised of an elite that has enveloped itself in protective texts that permit only juris prudence doctors the right to become one of the judiciary. Every jurisdictional level should have an elected 23 member board of review, comprised of members who are nor ever have been juris-prudence-doctors ( that serves a 4 year mandate) that determines if a target judge's decision was derived by a complete recognition of facts or if personal beliefs or external interests determined the content of his final judgement. A simple majority of this board is enough to decide whether or not to retain,sanction, remove or permanently dismiss a judge from ever belonging to any level of the judiciary again.

Why is this important?

Let the judges be judged by non-juris-prudence doctors