To: Bad judges/magistrates in all levels of the judiciary, Local, Municipal, County, State & Federal Judges
Judiciary review board
Too many bad or unfair decisions are made in civil or criminal courts due to the personal comportment or predispositions of certain judges instead of strict adherence of the law. Presently only judges can judge one another in this closed society. Help create an elected 23 member Judiciary review board for every level of government that is comprised of 23 non juris-prudence doctors. This panel shall determine by simple majority if a targeted judge had acted properly or independently at arriving at their decision by reviewing not only the form but the content of a targeted judicial process. A simple majority of this board is enough to decide whether or not to retain, sanction, remove or permanently dismiss a judge/ magistrate from ever belonging to any level of the judiciary again.
Why is this important?
Let the judges & magistrates be judged by non-juris-prudence doctors