To: Fred Fehlau

Jumpstarting Laser Cutter for South Campus

Dear Mr. Fehlau,
This letter is in regard to the long-awaited laser-cutting machine for the Media Design and Fine Arts graduate students. Currently, the machine is installed on site at south campus, but there are a couple issues that prevent us from making full use of it; i.e. a fume cabinet and a new card reader.
We understand that it takes time it takes to implement new systems. However, the equipment is sitting unused in our studio and having a functioning laser cutter during weeks 12-14 would be extremely useful in completing our coursework. Even it is only operational on a part-time basis, it would save us valuable time commuting to Hillside to use their facilities and also free up both staff hours and equipment time for undergraduate students.
Please let us know what would be the next step going forward to make this possible. We value the excellent education we are receiving at Art Center and the community of Fine Arts and Media Design that has been established at south campus since 2009. Our newly elected Grad Representative for ACSG, Geoff Ka’alani, is happy to meet with you to represent our interests. Thank you in advance for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Why is this important?

This open letter is addressing the laser cutter set up for the full-time students at South Campus. We currently have the laser cutter (two-thirds completed) set up within the Media Design Studio. From our understanding there are two key components that the overall set up lacks : a fume cabinet, for obvious safety reasons, and also a new card reader.

Our main concern is getting the new laser cutter to be set up for the Grad Community of Media Design and Fine Art - that have been patiently waiting. We come to Art Center for the experience of working with advance fabrication technology in a studio environment with like-minded peers.

You can view the unfinished set up here:
