To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

JUST Don't Drink and Drive

Rally for federal drunk driving laws, especially where vehicular homicide is committed.

Why is this important?

My youngest nephew, Justin Patrick Reidy, was struck and killed by a drunk driver while walking near the Northeast Philadelphia Airport on the morning of August 1, 2014.

Justin was an incredibly talented visual artist who was still navigating his way in life, instead of celebrating the 23 anniversary of his birth on October 1st, 2014, we will be marking the 2 month anniversity of his death.
Arizona has the toughest DUI laws in the U.S. and I want the rest of the nation to follow suit.

1st Offense
Min 24 hrs to 10 days jail
$250 base fine
License Suspension 90-360 days
Interlock Device (IID) for one year

2nd Offense
30 to 90 days jail
$500 base fine
License Suspension 365 days
Interlock Device (IID)

3rd Offense
120 days jail
$750 base fine
License Suspension 365 days
Interlock Device (IID)

If you’re pickin’ up drinks…please, please, put down your keys!
