To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Just Say "No" to Republican's Fiscal Cliff

Dear President Obama and Members of Congress,

We firmly stand behind you to ensure that the most vulnerable members of our society- our seniors, disabled, poor and sick are not carrying the burden of extending tax breaks to the wealthiest 2% of Americans.

Extending tax benefits to the very wealthy while cutting benefits to the very poor should not be considered a reasonable compromise to the current budget negotiations.

We urge you, under no circumstances, to consider a compromise that does not raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans. We are average Americans that have worked hard to make this country great. Our hard work and taxes have created the foundation for the wealthiest 2% to be successful.

It is unjust and immoral to extend tax breaks to the most affluent members of our society while seniors, the disabled and the poor struggle to find shelter, pay bills and afford medical care.

If the Republicans will not compromise on this issue, let the "fiscal cliff" that Republicans created occur. Let the American people see how the Republicans are willing to throw everyone in America under the bus in order to protect the wealthiest 2%. Once their tax breaks for the wealthy expire, they will be left with the decision whether or not to support extending tax breaks to average middle class Americans.

As the recent National elections showed, a majority of Americans across the county reject the Republican economic policy that only ensures the success of the very few at the risk of everyone else.

Thank you for your responsible leadership on this issue.

Why is this important?

President Obama and Congress should stand strong against the Republican created "Fiscal Cliff". Tell them to "Just Say No" to the out of touch Republicans in Congress that are holding America hostage to preserve tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% on the backs of seniors, the disabled and the poor.