To: Ralph Becker, Mayor of Salt Lake City, Chris Burbank, Chief of Police, City Council, City Council for Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City DOJ, Criminal Division, Sim Gill, D.A. for Salt Lake County, Sean D. Reyes, Attorneys General for Utah, ...

JUSTICE for #DillonTaylor, 11 August 2014 #RIP!

We, the Undersigned, call upon the Department of Justice, President Obama and Congressional Representation for Salt Lake & South Salt Lake City, UT. to appoint a Special Independent Investigation into the MURDER of 20yr. old Dillon Taylor of South Salt Lake City, UT.

The State and Local Government, along with the Salt Lake City Police Department and Police Chief Christopher Burbank REFUSE to administer Justice to the Officers who MURDERED Dillon D. Taylor, in cold blood, on the afternoon of Monday, 11 August 2014 when both he, his older brother and cousin were coming out of a 7-Eleven Convenience Store.

Mistaken for a neighborhood thug, reportedly brandishing a gun and threatening passers by, Dillon was gunned down by police in front of the store, and left to die in the parking lot of the convenience store thereafter because police refused to administer C.P.R and refused to call E.M.T. and or Fire & Rescue to administer life saving care to him. (Despite pleas from his brother and cousin for them to do so because Dillon was still alive after having been shot by the police.)

Because of this clear case of mistaken identity and a clear violation of Dillon's civil as well as human rights we call upon the Department of Justice, President Obama and Congressional Representation for this Voting District to INTERVENE and APPOINT a Special Independent Investigation through the United States Attorney's Office in Salt Lake to Administer Justice on behalf of the Family, and Friends of Dillon D. Taylor.

We, the Undersigned, are tired of our youth, elderly and disabled being gunned down by police on the streets of America simply because they can or they will do so. NO MORE! ENOUGH!

Thank you, and we await your response in action...

Why is this important?

We are starting this petition because "We The People" of the United States of America are tired of our youth, elderly, and disabled being gunned down on our streets by a police state that is hell-bent on our destruction via control and is rooted in hatred toward a race, culture, or class of people that they deem unfit. IT IS WRONG and it must be stopped!

We The People of the United States of America stand for love, justice, peace and freedom. We expect our police to do the same and when they step out of that mode or vein, which is the essence of Protect and Serve, THEN We The People of the United States of America have every right to call them and call our public servants to an account for that lack or disregard altogether.

Thank you in advance for adding your name to this cause. Be well. Peace.


UPDATE: 03 June 2015

For all of those that say, "they got what was comin' to um!" OR "they got what they deserved, in the end." I offer this in loyal contrarian opposition. Meet Dillion D. Taylor, 20 years old, of South Salt Lake City, UT. MURDERED by Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office​ and Salt Lake City Police Department​ like a dog in the parking lot of an 7-Eleven​ Convenience Store in South Salt Lake, Utah​ on August 11, 2014 - mere days after Michael O.D. Brown, Jr. of Ferguson, Missouri​ was MURDERED, himself, like a dog in the streets by #DarrenWilson.

Exhibit A. Video (GRAPHIC, Fare Warning, DO NOT Watch this Video With Children under 10 years of age!) of his killing on 11 August 2014, over reported 'brandishing of a weapon on the streets':

Exhibit B. The 'powers that be' for this community say that said murdering was 'justifiable homicide' and it couldn't be avoided. Even though Dillon Taylor, again just 20 years old, never produced nor were police able to find a weapon, a gun, that was said to be on a person, 'fitting his description', 'of interests' in the area brandishing a weapon at passers by and motorists in the area.

No, and instead, Dillon D. Taylor, his big brother, and a cousin were coming out of a 7-Eleven store after having bought Slurpees, sodas and, snacks. Can you imagine? MURDERED like a dog in the street over clearly 'mistaken identity' and having a Slurpee and a sour patch whip in your hands.

I would very, very, very much like for you all to READ. SIGN. AND THEN SHARE this #petition with ALL IN YOUR CIRCLES folks. Because Dillon D. Taylor, 20, had his whole life ahead of him, and in an instant, in a moment, that whole life was taken from him, and the officers that did it didn't even give him a chance to produce anything but his headphones. Justice For Dillon Taylor​ and others! #RIPDDT
