To: Lexington Ky Police Department and Kerry Harvey, U.S Attorney

Justice for Barry Slaven

Barry's family wants justice for him after he disappeared and was found deceased inside a moving truck. There's been a confession, but no arrest.

Why is this important?

After receiving the death investigation, autopsy, and toxicology reports we still are unable to make any sense of this tragedy. Police will not return our calls, and no arrest have been made, even with two confessions. Barry leaves behind two small children and grieving family and friends who want answers. We want his case reopened, and an arrest to be made for the people who admitted to:
1. Sharing drugs with Barry. (claims heroin but there is zero heroin in Barry's system only fentanyl.)
2. washing and changing the clothes of a dead man.
3. loading a dead body into a moving truck, driving it down the road and abandoning it.
4. dumping Barry's cell phone into a random gas station trash can.
