To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Justice for Boujemaa Razguice

US Customs has destroyed several bamboo musical instruments owned and played by flute expert Boujemaa Razguice as they said the instruments conatained "exotic pathogens" which should not be allowed in the environment. The Government needs to apologize to Mr. Razguice, compensate him fairly for his loss, and cover any loss of income that he has or will suffer as a result of this fiasco.

Why is this important?

Instead of apologizing and rectifying the situation, the Government is circling the wagons and stonewalling. This man needs to be compensated for the economic repercussions of this disasterous and ridiculous decision immediately. The Government has deprived him of his livelihood. We cannot allow such injustice to thrive.
