To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Justice for crimes against the people

The PATRIOT ACT, in and of itself is a crime against the people. The sheer volume of twenty years worth of controlling legislation shot down by the Supreme Court was hastily rushed through both houses and approved without a whimper. This needs to be repealed in the clearest manner possible and all of the Bill of Rights restored to their propper prominence.

Why is this important?

The so called "PATRIOT ACT" goes against everything this country stands for and the founding fathers visions, the Bill of Rights and we believe it to be an act of treason. The Declairation of Independence used some strong language. Strong language is needed now. Sacrificing our Liberty for a small measure of safety, we deserve neither. The PATRIOT ACT should be repealed and it's authors held accountable for this ball and chain.