To: Solano County

Justice For David & Dustin Swift

Though they own their house (been there 40 years) and vehicles, county authorities are following and harassing them by way of unlawful search and seizure of property (thrown out in court as unlawful), pulling over for a tail-light out when it was not burnt out, and many daily drive-by unwarranted surveillance, as well as following to the grocery store and basic errands (just to name a few). Please sign our petition to stop the harassment as we seek public defense and support. It is people like you who give power to the powerless when the powerful abuse their station.

Why is this important?

David Swift is a retired veteran of the U.S.A. service who has lost many of his rights for non-violent crimes he committed in his youth. His son Dustin is an outstanding citizen fighting to support his father as the county and local governments seek to harass (today they euthanized his german shepherd as a "danger" though the dog was an older docile creature) and run him out of the county. The Swifts have very few resources and like many of us, subside on a modest life-style. This petition is started by a friends and neighbors who appreciates their neighborhood watch and concern for local citizens.
