To: James Wilson, District Judge and Neal Rombardo, District Attorney

Justice for Desiree Lynn Bragg

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

One year ago, Desiree Lynn Bragg was run down and murdered by a drunk driver. He is claiming it was an accident when the incident took place in her mother's driveway as she went to pick up her baby boy.

Why is this important?

It is sad that the family has to relive the tragic event that happened on January 2013. Why must it take over a year to get Leonardo Cordoza to trial for the killing of Desiree Lynn Bragg? Her young son was six months old at the time. Desiree's mother, aunt, family and friends are trying hard to make sure this man gets charged with murder and nothing less. Please read the story that appeared in the Nevada Appeal to see the lies and inconsistencies being told by Cordoza's lawyer, Please sign this petition to help bring justice for this family.