To: Karen Richards, District Attonery Office and Governor Eric Holcomb

Justice for Jeff and Blaine

We are looking for justice for Jeff and Blaine.

Why is this important?

Jeff and Blaine was tragically killed while working on a semi on I-69 on July 11,2013 by a truck driver whom several calls where made do to his erratic driving. It has been 6 months now and nothing has been done to our knowledge , the driver Randy Withrow is walking around free . We the family,loved ones ,friends would like to know where we stand and why this is taking so long , we where told to file a civil suit and now it seems like the criminal case has been put on the back burner. We need some kind of information that makes since to us because this does not . We have lost a father, a son, a brother, and loved ones and friends that can never be replaced as many of us are grieving and await the answers. We LOVE AND MISS THEM WITH ALL OF OUR HEARTS OUR LIVES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. Jeff would have been 20 Oct.2013 family spent his birthday at cemetery , also spent Thanksgiving and Christmas there instead of home with these loved ones , when will something be done.