To: John Fishwick, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia and Mark Herring, Attorney General, Virginia

Justice for Kionte Spencer

We the undersigned citizens of the Western Virginia District of the U.S. Department of Justice jurisdiction are demanding that John Fishwick, U.S. Attorney for Virginia's Western District, immediately launch a federal investigation into the murder of Kionte Spencer. Kionte's murder was a violation of his civil rights. The absence of transparency and justice in the investigation by Roanoke County police is a violation of our civil rights.

We are also demanding that Virginia Attorney General and aspiring Governor, Mark Herring, open immediately a state investigation into the murder of Kionte Spencer, who was in fact a ward of the State of Virginia.

Why is this important?

Roanoke County Police killed Kionte Spencer on February 26, 2016. He was 18 and was walking down Electric Road when he was confronted by police and shot under questionable circumstances. Chief Hall of the Roanoke County Police has been unresponsive to demands from the Roanoke community that he release the dashcam video, open an independent investigation, and release the names of the officers involved in the shooting death of Kionte Spencer.
