Mario was wrongly convicted in 2008 from a false allegation alone. There was not evidence or DNA to convict but the courts deemed it necessary to sentence him to 12 years. He was coerced into making a guilty plea because he was told he would go home. We the people demand this case be brought back before a judge and to let Mario prove his innocence. The tragedy of it all is a young man's life has been stolen because a vindictive person had nothing better to do than to destroy, but the bigger tragedy is that our court system allow's this kind of behavior. It is time to set the innocent free, and to start holding the accusers accountable for their destruction
Why is this important?
Justice is rather the activity of truth, than a virtue in itself. Truth tells us what is due to others, and justice renders that due. Injustice is acting a lie.
Horace Walpole