To: The Virginia State House, Governor Ralph Northam, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Justice For Samuel Ronan

We The People of the United States recognize the growing threat of a full-fledged Police State in America, as demonstrated countless times in recent years, and most recently the case of False Arrest and Police Brutality against Progressive leader, Samuel Ronan, who was assaulted and arrested without charge by police. Samuel's video proves he has a case against the arresting officers and must be sent to any and all organizations, such as the ACLU and other independent justice advocate groups, who will be willing to assist us in obtaining justice for Mr. Ronan. There is room for argument that the country's police departments, at the behest of The Establishment, are waging War on American citizens who are publically speaking out against them. Together, we can all unite and work to bring justice back to this country. Samuel Ronan deserves justice. We The People can help him to get it. Police Brutality and False Arrests of innocent citizens must cease!

Why is this important?

This petition is to garner support and funding for Samuel Ronan's legal defense against the arresting police officers who assaulted him and detained him without cause.
