To: Jeff Gauger, Editor of the Shreveport Times and Jayne W. Ruben, News Director for KSLA


The Grigsbys have filed a federal lawsuit against Barksdale Federal Credit Union, The Lake Pointe Place Homeowners Association and various members of those two organizations. The Gribsbys are black. In their law suit they allege the defendants conspired to discriminate against them because of their race. They allege actions by the defendants ruined the credit of Mark Grigsby. While he built a home now appraised at $900,000, he can't borrow $l,000 for a piece of furniture nor can he get any financial institution to give him a permanent loan. BFCU found him sound as a borrower when they signed a $388,000 construction loan. Two days later after the homeowners group began calling, they called Mr. Grigsby and his general contractor into their offices and made them sign a new "collateral agreement" changing the terms of the original. That was wrong.

Why is this important?

The Grigsbys are trying to get the news of their federal lawsuit out to the community. They believe it is important to inform others who might also have been discriminated against by BFCU. The Dept. Of Housing and Urban Development is investigating the charges. The Shreveport Sun newspaper published two concise, accurate and unbiased articles about the lawsuit. The Inquisitor also published an article about the lawsuit. We believe the TV stations and major newspaper should also do so.
