To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Justice for the Whitehouse Boys (Dozier School for Boys)

Demand that the state of Florida exhume the bodies at the Dozier School for Boys in Marianna, and that those responsible for crimes be charged and convicted. Justice for the White House Boys!

Why is this important?

University of South Florida researchers have been using ground-penetrating radar to map the school's unmarked burial grounds. While many of the graves have been lost, the USF team has identified nearly 50 grave shafts, 19 more than the Florida Department of Law Enforcement found in an earlier, cursory investigation. USF also suspects that another cemetery exists. But on Monday, Secretary of State 7/15/13 Ken Detzner denied USF's request to exhume the bodies, saying his authority was "restricted to the recovery of objects of historical" value only, "absent a danger to the grave site that actually threatens the loss or damage of those remains."
