To: Muhtar Kent, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (Coca Cola), Katie Bayne, President and General Manager, Sparkling Beverages (Coca Cola), J. Alexander M. Douglas, Jr., President, Coca Cola North America, Melanie Babcock, ...

Justice For Theodore Scott

Stop the injustice to Theodore Scott, the rightful winner of the Gold Peak Tea's Year Off Contest.

Why is this important?

Theodore Scott won Gold Peak Tea's Take The Year Off Contest for $100,000. Theodore was later disqualified by Gold Peak Tea/Coca Cola because they alleged that Theodore violated a particular section of their contest rules which was to say at least ambiguous, vague, and overly broad (in which one Coca Cola high level personnel admitted to the ambiguity). Theodore refuted the claim that he violated the rule in question, however, Gold Peak Tea/Coca Cola did not relinquish their position because they wanted to protect the image of their company. When Theodore pointed out to Gold Peak Tea/Coca Cola officials that the other contestants including the new designated winner violated explicit and expressed rules, Gold Peak Tea did not act on this information and did not disqualify these contestants for their rule violations. Many people have been extremely hurt and outraged over the way Theodore Scott was mistreated by Gold Peak Tea/Coca Cola and are now calling for justice. We're asking people to sign this petition and stand up to the injustice that was done to Theodore Scott. Follow our cause at
