To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Justice For Us Nationwide

It is now time for African Americans to stand strong in the United States and demand equal justice and rights for ourselves. Let's take action and demand what we deserve as citizens in this country, justice that will rule in our favor.

Why is this important?

There are many reasons why I am starting this petition. First, African Americans are not respected and treated equally in this country. Second, there have been too many coincidences in which African American men, boys, and women have been gunned down by outraged law enforcers and vigilantes. This has to stop. Thirdly, the time is now for us to stand up and fight for equal justice and rights for all African American citizens. I am personally affected by the issue of gun violence being committed against African Americans because I am an African American male and I could be a victim of injustice next. As African Americans, we must stand together and fight the Injustice System that has been murdering us and acquitting those who also do the same. In too many cases, we hear about young African Americans being gunned down by police. There is a long list starting with Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freedie Graye, Sandra Bland, Walter Scott, Laquan McDonald and all other African Americans who were victims of gun violence committed by law enforcers. Let's eradicate the number of African American victims by signing this petition and getting the attention of Congress and the White House.

Thanks, Antonio Miller