To: Bishop Estate Trustees, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Of Staff and Kamehameha Schools

Justice for Vegas Ohana

The Vegas Ohana deserves to stay in their home. Do not evict them after fighting for 6 years of flooding. Let the Vegas Ohana keep their HOME! It is paid off!

Make things “pono” with the VEGAS OHANA. Do right by settling with them and NOT evicting them. They are owed for all the damages to their home, construction of the flood mitigation, plus pain and suffering.


Why is this important?

Dear Friends & Families,

Please listen to our radio show interview with Carrol Cox.

1) Tell Bishop Estate to: Make things "pono" with the Vegas Ohana. Let the Vegas Ohana keep their HOME! It is paid Off!

Call, Write, Email & Fax (Use the attached letter, or print & sign as shown below)

Board of Trustees Phone: 594-1888 or 523-6200
Chief Executive Officer Dee Jay Mailer: 523-6200
Chief Of Staff Walter Theommes 523-6200

567 South King Street,
Suite 200
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Fax: 808 541-5305
Email: [email protected]

2) Tell Bishop Estate to end the injustices and Cease the following practices immediately:

a) End the illegal overcharging of the homeowners lease rent, HRS 519 2, 4 in Punalu’u and elsewhere in Hawaii

b) Stop withholding the CONSENT unreasonably.

c) Stop breaches of homeowner contracts like demanding homeowner to pay $30,000 to fix the seawall in return for the CONSENT as well as many other illegal demands

d) Fix the cause of the Flooding. It is not rocket science!

3) Sign our petition. Click:
and search: Bishop Estate.

Donate $1 at the same site
or donate @ any Bank of Hawaii Branch
Account name: Flood Recovery & Legal Fund 28

Vegas Ohana
