To: Ascension Health

Justice for Viola Muhammad

In 2012, Mrs. Viola Reovan-Muhammad, a former CNA of 22 years at St. Vincent’s Medical Center located in Bridgeport, CT, began to be targeted by her supervisor, Helen Krisinsky. Under the supervision of Helen Krisinsky, Mrs. Reovan-Muhammad was a victim of extreme forms of oppression and stress. Mrs. Reovan-Muhammad has been called “nigger,” had her HIPAA rights violated, and was denied compensation for well over an estimated 5,000 hours of overtime work while employed at St. Vincent’s Medical Center.

Mrs. Reovan-Muhammad’s cries for help and resolve fell on deaf ears at the Human Resources Department of St. Vincent’s Medical Center. Any attempts she made either directly with Ms. Krisinsky or through the HR Dept. to address the oppressive treatment only intensified the harassment. Mrs. Reovan-Muhammad had to contemplate how to maintain her health and protect her job. In an attempt to avoid conflict with her supervisor she created a “buddy system” with other CNA’s where she would partner with another CNA who would monitor her every move during shifts as a witness to her integrity and completion of her work.

Despite the fact that Mrs. Reovan-Muhammad has 22 years of experience and positive performance evaluations, this could not protect her from the discriminatory actions and practices of St. Vincent’s Medical Center or Ms. Krisinsky. On June 5, 2013, Mrs. Reovan-Muhammad brought her story to the State of CT Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO), filed an official discrimination complaint, and has since secured legal representation.

Of course Mrs. Reovan-Muhammad’s experiences are not isolated incidents; there are many other victims whose voices remain to be heard!

Let St. Vincent’s Medical Center know that you will not support or tolerate their discriminatory acts and practices!

Join us in the fight to bring justice to Mrs. Reovan-Muhammad and sign our petition demanding:
- the immediate dismissal of Ms. Helen Krisinsky.
- an investigation of St. Vincent’s Medical Center by Ascension Health. Ascension Health declares, “We are advocates for a compassionate and just society through our actions and our words,” and commits themselves to serving especially poor and vulnerable communities.
- Ascension Health hold the Human Resources Dept. of St. Vincent’s Medical Center accountable for failing to investigate and address the cries of the victims of their discriminatory practices.

Why is this important?

Mrs. Viola Reovan-Muhammad is speaking out about her experiences of oppression & harassment while employed at St. Vincent's Medical Center under her direct supervisor, Ms. Helen Krisinsky. The treatment Mrs. Reovan-Muhammad received were not isolated incidents; there are many others who have fallen victim to the discriminatory practices of St. Vincent's Medical Center. Institutionalized oppression and internal conflicts will inevitably have a negative impact on patient care. Mrs. Reovan-Muhammad started this petition not just for herself but for the employees and patients who remain at St. Vincent's Medical Center, and those to come - this petition is dedicated to them!