Prosecute the dealers of MXE & other analog substances...Thomas C. & Ashley S. gave my son Zach MXE, watched him die & NEVER called 911 to render aide. They cleaned up the hotel room, disposed of all evidence along with his personal belongings & went home.
Why is this important?
Analog drugs are currently LEGAL in 49 states, ILLEGAL in Florida & 5 European countries. They are ILLEGAL federally, but most local LEOS & District Attorney Offices have no idea how to follow through with arrest or prosecution of analog offenders. Analogs KILL~ most importantly because there are no 12 panel tox screens for them, so when a patient presents to the ER after an OD~there is no way to test for the analog drug, wasting precious time in helping these patients. MY son Zach~FOREVER 20 DIED Aug. 08, 2014 from MXE given to him by friends.