To: The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Justice for Zoe!!!

Hold Sacramento Police Accountable for the Murder of Stephan Clark, IMMEDIATELY!!!

Why is this important?

20 shots fired at an unarmed man is NOT being in fear for your life, it is murder!!! No matter how you look at it!!! These monsters are on PAID administrative leave when they should be sitting in jail on suicide watch!!! OUR tax dollars are paying for their time off!!! We MUST all stand up for what's right and do something more then what's being done!!! Mayor of N.Y. promised to reduce the stop and frisk practice and it worked, maybe it's a start ?! I am starting this petition not because I know this young man but because I have a son of my own and am tired of explaining to him the things he cannot do as a young black man, that others take for granted. I now have to explain why he can't play in his own backyard!!! Our kids out here are being hurt and/or dying by the police almost every day, when does it stop?!?!?!
