To: Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago

Justice Now for Bettie and Quintonio

Early Saturday morning, Chicago police were called to respond to a domestic disturbance at an apartment complex. Police shot through an unopened door and killed Ms. Bettie Jones -- who died from a gunshot wound to the neck [1]. Officers then turned their weapons onto Quintonio Legrier, a 19 year old holding a baseball bat and experiencing a mental health crisis. The officer’s identity has not been released and he has been placed on administrative duties for 30 days. We demand:

- The immediate release of the officer’s name;
- Fire the officer who murdered Bettie Jones and Quintonio Legrier
- The resignation of Rahm Emanuel

Why is this important?

Early Saturday morning, Chicago police were called to respond to a domestic disturbance at an apartment complex. Police shot through an unopened door and killed Ms. Bettie Jones -- who died from a gunshot wound to the neck [1]. Officers then turned their weapons onto a young man suffering from mental illness holding a baseball bat, 19-year-old Quintonio Legrier.

The officer's identity has not been released and he has been placed on administrative duties for 30 days. Mayor Rahm Emanuel has announced that the murder will be investigated by the Independent Police Review Authority. But this is not enough.

From Rekia Boyd to Laqun McDonald, the violence perpetuated at the hands of the Chicago Police Department continues to claim the lives of Black women and men living in Chicago, and that violence continues to go unchecked by city leaders and officials.

The Chicago police were called in order to help with a domestic disturbance. However, instead of providing help to those in need, Chicago police exercised excessive violence and claimed two more Black lives.

Recent cases and released videos show a culture of excessive force and a 'shoot first and cover it up' culture within Chicago's police department. They are killing people, mostly Black people whether or not those people cooperate. The state's attorney and mayor's offices seem determined to assist officers that abuse and murder the very citizens they are sworn to protect and serve.

We are demanding more than a full and transparent investigation into the murders of Bettie Jones and Quintonio Legrier. We are demanding authentic justice. The entire Chicago Police Department needs to be changed, from the racist, unjust policies to the people who enforce them.

Bettie Jones was a member of Action Now and we will not rest until she gets justice.

"Chicago Cop Shoots Dead Teen, 55-Year-Old Woman" The Huffington Post, 12-26-2015
