To: The United States House of Representatives

Kansans, Tell Huelskamp, Jenkins, Yoder and Pompeo: Support Sane, Life-Saving Gun Laws

Tell your Kansas federal representative to support these desperately needed and highly practical basics, as proposed by the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition.
Require criminal background checks on all gun purchasers and gun shop employees.
Get high capacity rifles and ammunition magazines off our streets.
Make gun trafficking a federal crime.
Appoint a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Fireams director.
Prosecute prohibited purchasers who attempt to buy firearms, ammunition or high-capacity magazines.
Require federal agencies to report records to NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System).
Repeal remaining Tiahrt restrictions, budget riders that restrict access to federal gun data and keep the public, researchers, and elected officials in the dark about who gun traffickers are and how they operate.
Require gun-owners to notify the police when a gun is stolen.
Restrict concealed carry permits to individuals who have completed a safety training course and are 21 and older.
Don't issue concealed carry permits to perpetrators of violent misdemeanors or individuals arrested for domestic violence.

Why is this important?

When 20 kids were murdered December 14 at Sandy Hook, six teachers died trying to shield them from a Bushmaster XM15-E assault-type rifle with 30-round clips. Guns like this shouldn’t be available to just anyone.

Our safety is at stake: Statistics show that more Americans have lost their lives to gun violence – just since 1968 -- than in all American wars combined. In the U.S. 200 people go to emergency rooms every day for gun shot wounds, and 85 people are killed, 53 through suicide. Bloomberg (Dec. 19, 2012) predicts that by 2015, firearms deaths in the U.S. will exceed traffic deaths. Cars are licensed and required to have safety feature, and we train new drivers.

Guns are deadly. This is serious business. That’s why I want you to sign my petition to our Kansas Representatives. They need to hear your position on enforcing existing gun regulations and be open to new measures to assure that gun buying, selling, and operating are done responsibly and taken as seriously as we take our lives.
