To: The Kansas State House, The Kansas State Senate, and Governor Laura Kelly

Kansas Legislators: Support the Common Core State Standards in Kansas

Stop the Kansas Legislature from reversing the decision to fund and implement the Common Core State Standards for Math and English/Language Arts. Why must this legislation be stopped?

1. It would set back development of math and ELA instruction 3 years.
2. It would cost tax payers millions of dollars to re-create standards that already exist and are quality targets to get Kansas students college and career ready by 12th grade.
3. It would invalidate the work of Kansas educators to raise the bar for Kansas students.
4. It would potentially disqualify Kansas from receiving some federal funding.
5. It would potentially reverse the current waiver from NCLB requirements that the Kansas State Department of Education received.
6. It would over-ride the decision making power of the Kansas State Board of Education to make decisions regarding the education of Kansas students

Please sign this petition to show your dissatisfaction with the actions of the Kansas Legislature to disallow the funding and implementation of the Common Core State Standards which is both financially and educationally irresponsible.

Why is this important?

The Kansas Board of Education adopted the Common Core State Standards for Math and English/Language Arts in 2010 as the framework for the Kansas standards in these areas. Current legislation proposes to reverse the BOE decision which would be a financial and educational setback for Kansas.
