To: Rep. Joe Seiwert, Rep. Mark Schreiber, Rep. Annie Kuether, Rep. Emil Bergquist, Rep. John Carmichael, Rep. Ken Corbet, Rep. Tom Cox, Rep. Leo Delperdang, Rep. Stan Frownfelter, Rep. Nick Hoheisel, Rep. Marty Long, Rep. Cindy Neighbor...

Kansas Wind Action Alert!

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Wind energy is vital to the Kansas economy and the environment Please vote NO on HB 2273.

Why is this important?

House Bill 2273 is now in the Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Committee and will be up for a hearing and vote next Tuesday, February 19. HB 2273 is a bill that adds prohibitive setbacks for wind turbines and is a thinly veiled attempt to stop wind development in Kansas.

Please sign this petition saying that you support wind in Kansas and you are asking the committee to vote NO on this bill. Leave a comment if you want them to get your email. It will go to the entire committee!