To: Kauai City Council Members and Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr, Mayor

Kauai Only- Hold Council/Mayor Accountable for Bill #2491

By signing this petition:
o I agree for the next Kauai City Council and Mayor election to vote for the members who say "Yes" to Bill #2491.
o I agree to not to vote for the members who say "No" to Bill #2491
o I will become a part of a campaign to remind voters these "No" Members/Mayor are not leaders for the people & shouldn't be re-elected.
o I will be part of a Recall for each "No" Voting member if it arises.

Why is this important?

We are holding our public servants accountable. This "Right to Know and Protect" bill is common sense and is exactly why the Constitution and Bill of Rights were created.

They are elected public officials. If they fail to uphold and serve the people per the Constitution, we will take action ourselves if no one is representing us. We will gladly use the Charter for Recall if needed.

Constitution of Hawaii/Article 1/Bill of Rights- POLITICAL POWER: All political power of this State is inherent in the people and the responsibility for the exercise thereof rests with the people. All government is founded on this authority

RIGHTS OF CITIZENS- Section 8. No citizen shall be disfranchised, or deprived of any of the rights or privileges secured to other citizens, unless by the law of the land.

Constitution/Section 1 Article X1- For the benefit of present and future generations, the State and its political subdivisions shall conserve and protect Hawaii's natural beauty and all natural resources, including land, water, air, minerals and energy sources, and shall promote the development and utilization of these resources in a manner consistent with their conservation and in furtherance of the self-sufficiency of the State. All public natural resources are held in trust by the State for the benefit of the people.
