To: Steve Hafner, CEO, Michael Moritz, Partner, Iftikhar Ahmed, Partner, Joel Cutler, Partner, and Harry Nelis, Partner

Kayak: Stand Up to Hatred

Please take a stand against hatred by publicly rejecting the Florida Family Association's call to action, recalling your weak and misleading statements to date regarding All-American Muslim, and supporting the need for stories to be told that further understanding between groups.

Why is this important?

Kayak, rather than standing up to hatred, promoted it when it heeded the call of an activist group to stop advertising on the show All-American Muslim because "the show profiles only Muslims that appear to be ordinary folks."

It's not too late for Kayak to reverse its actions and take a stand against hatred. Please support our effort to encourage Kayak to take these steps and play its role in fostering a society that treats all groups equally and with respect.
