To: Kansas Corporation, The Kansas State House, and The Kansas State Senate
KCC Power Redistribution
The Kansas Corporation Commission shall no longer have sole oversight of the health and environmental data surrounding Class II Underground Injection Control wells, as found in KSA 74-623. In addition, the surrender of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment's property and records per KSA 77-624 shall be overturned and the records surrendered back to KDHE.
Why is this important?
We Kansans will no longer stand for this obstruction of data by an executively appointed branch of the Kansas government with its own body of regulations and adjudicating powers that supersede or circumvent outside state agency oversight, including our First branch of government. We the People will once again be represented in the regulations of the KCC by enacting Legislative control over the entirety of KSA 74-601 to 74-631.