Refuse The Extended Learning Time Grant Program for the Kingston City School District. Don't mandate 100-125 minutes of extra school time for all families just to meet the needs of a few. Leave it up to the parents to choose how to voluntarily spend their quality family time.
Why is this important?
We as parents, concerned community members and tax-payers in the Kingston City School District are very concerned about the proposed approval and acceptance of the Extended Learning Time Grant Program. This program would mandate, without any parental in-put or opt-out availability, that our children remain in school for an additional 100 minutes in the middle schools and an additional 125 minutes in the 4 Title 1 elementary schools. This is an unreasonable demand placed upon our children (physically, mentally and emotionally) and robs the family unit of quality family time. This program would negatively affect community based businesses that cater to children and families and risk their financial stability and/or closure. Refuse the Grant!!!