To: US Attorney General Loretta Lynch, US Attorney General and President Donald Trump
Keefe Group
Exclusive contracts to the prison system provide daily food that is detrimental to the human male body. Example: SOY products in place of real meat, fish or poultry; high sodium products in commissary.
Why is this important?
Many of the inmates are becoming sick in private and state facilities due to NO oversight by FDA or DOJ over the meals being provided in facilities like Fairfax County Detention Center, previously under investigation by DOJ for a female inmate murder and incarceration of persons with drug addictions or alcohol issues. The terrible food includes soy in breakfast causing sickness, and therefore in private facilities the inmate has to go to medical at their own expense. The other option is to buy high sodium products like ramen noodles high in sodium for 85 cents otherwise .25 cents in the grocery store. If we follow the money people will be exposed. The Keefe Group and its investors are trying to kill off our men while getting rich. President Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch please stop this genocide on our incarcerated loved ones.