To: Dr. Eric M. Hibbs, Superintendent and JoAnn Cilmi, Principal

Keep Asher Holmes' Murals!

Tell The Board and the School, to not destroy Asher Holmes History!

Why is this important?

Asher Holmes Elementary School is unique in that the hallway walls are covered with murals, painted by a teacher, Mr. David Bassoff Wells, starting in 1973. These murals depict stories ranging from Snow White to A Bug's LIfe. They are a source of pride for the School, and for the Students. They are more than wall coverings, they are works of art, given to the students by a caring art teacher, a gift, that has lasted more than 40 years! As stated on the Board of Education's own website, "Our walls are a source of wonder to young siblings who visit the building and a source of pride for the students who attend Asher Holmes." Yet, for some inexplicable reason, The School and Board wants to cover up this rich artistic history. THIS MUST BE STOPPED! Why is Asher Holmes willing to destroy this artwork?
