To: Governor Kim Reynolds
Keep Background Checks For Potential Gun Buyers in Iowa
The Iowa state legislature is taking a dangerous stance on gun control--by irresponsibly doing away with it.
We as Iowans and Americans must take a stand and promote the general safety of the public by preserving background checks across Iowa and our great nation.
Governor Branstad, the signers of this petition all urge you to veto any law or bill removing required background checks on gun purchasers. Protect the welfare of your constituents and keep guns out of the hands of individuals who are proven to be a danger to society, as well as to themselves.
We as Iowans and Americans must take a stand and promote the general safety of the public by preserving background checks across Iowa and our great nation.
Governor Branstad, the signers of this petition all urge you to veto any law or bill removing required background checks on gun purchasers. Protect the welfare of your constituents and keep guns out of the hands of individuals who are proven to be a danger to society, as well as to themselves.
Why is this important?
This petition is meant to bring awareness to the current issue of gun control. We need to defend the mandatory background check when individuals purchase any lethal firearm. Thank you for your consideration and the time you took to read and sign this petition.
Reference: HF-527 and SF-425
Reference: HF-527 and SF-425