To: Mark Steen, Board of Education, President and Raymond Lechner, Superintendent, School District 39

Support Band and Orchestra in Wilmette Public School District 39

The District 39 Board of Education is trying to enact changes to the band and orchestra program that will downgrade the education our children receive. They need to hear from us that we value the arts.

Why is this important?

On October 23rd, 2017, the District 39 Board of Education unanimously voted on a formal statement of recommendation to the District 39 administration that "it should no longer be the practice of the district that grades for extra-curricular activities, including band, be a part of school report cards." In this statement and subsequent discussion that followed the vote, the Board has expressed a desire to alter the instrumental music program and remove its successful curricular structures, assessments, and overall accountability. We ask that before the board take any further action, they provide research to support their position. To view the board's statement and discussion, go to 2:35:00 at this address: see just a sampling of research that a quality band and orchestra program is beneficial, go to this address:
