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To: Governor Gavin Newsom

Keep California Youth Out of Prison

I am a community member who is opposed to the closure of the Southern Youth Correctional Reception Center and Clinic (SYCRCC) in Norwalk for the following reasons:

*SYCRCC is the only DJJ facility left in Los Angeles County where 370 (27.8%) of the DJJ population comes from

*SYCRCC is the most incident free and non violent DJJ facility. It is a Peace and Unity school: youth pledge to be "Violence Free" and participate in anti-gang campaigns and community service.

*SYCRCC has the highest rated high school in the DJJ that recently received a six (6) year accreditation, which is exceptional.

*SYCRCC has built the largest partnership of community stakeholders in the DJJ. It has the highest number of family visitors and the highest number of volunteers of all facilities, closure will mean the loss of relationships and community resources.

Closing any DJJ facility, at this time, is going to result in more violence and less rehabilitation. It would mean more California youth sentenced to adult prison, less youth receiving treatment needed and will lead California on the road to becoming the worst Juvenile Justice System in America

I urge you to reconsider the closing and seek other alternatives for our youth.

Why is this important?

The State of California is closing the Southern Youth Correctional Reception Center and Clinic (SYCRCC). This is one of the few remaining facilities left in Southern California for Youth Rehabilitation, and it is by far the best. The closure of this facility will require youths to be shipped to other facilities, far away from parental and community support. Furthermore, those facilities are also scheduled to be closed within the next two years, leaving these youths to be incarcerated in adult prisons.

The SYCRCC is the most effective of the DJJ facilities. Most youths enter only being able to read at a third grade level; by the time they are released at age 18, 95% have received their high school diploma.

This facility is scheduled to close before year end, but recently there has been a push to close by mid-November, leaving these youths one step closer to facing incarceration in adult prisons with hardened criminals where they will not receive the treatment and rehabilitation they need.

But you can help. Join us in petitioning the Governor to keep this facility open and to give these children a brighter future.



2021-08-24 16:41:23 -0400

50 signatures reached