To: Martin Walsh, Mayor and Dr. Tommy Chang, Superintendent of Boston Public Schools
Keep Corporate Education Reformers out of Boston Public Schools
Education Reform has defunded Boston Public Schools by $973,500.00 per BPS school. Corporate education reformers have no place on the - Boston Public Schools - superintendents' cabinet. We ask that Dr. Makeeba McCreary be immediately removed from the position of Chief of Staff.
Why is this important?
Dr. McCreary works for families for Excellent Schools, an organization that is extremely active in the privatization of public education. Families for Excellent Schools has set records in money spent lobbying the New York state legislature, and launched a $3.6 million dollar ad campaign against the Mayor of New York City for his asking that 3 charter schools pay rent for using public property. The organization is ruthless and artificial. They are far more interested in privatizing education than they are in public education. There is no place for Dr. McCreary in BPS. She needs to be removed from Dr. Changs' cabinet immediately. For TONS more background information about this petition, please copy and paste this link into a new browser tab