President Obama, you’ve done the right thing by taking action to sign an executive order prohibiting LGBT discrimination by federal contractors. Now we’re calling on you to do the right thing again by keep religious exemptions out of that order, and make sure that LGBT Americans can work without fear!
Why is this important?
President Obama will soon sign an executive order barring federal contractors from discriminating against LGBTQ individuals!
However, we have just a few weeks to ensure that this executive order doesn't contain exemptions for religiously-affiliated groups that would drive a big hole through the middle of it. Federal contractors are paid with taxpayer money — and using taxpayer money to pay for discrimination is simply wrong. We know the religious right is already putting up a fight about this, and we must do the same.
We will deliver your signature directly to the White House, and we want to include as many voices as possible -- sign the petition today to make sure that we secure equality without asterisks!