To: The North Carolina State House, The North Carolina State Senate, and Governor Roy Cooper

Keep guns out of our North Carolina Schools

This petition addresses the important common sense, safety measure to keep gun protection methods OUT of our schools, public or private. The word 'school' appears in 3 out of 8 gun rights bills introduced in the 2013 NC Legislative session just in the first two months. This is the wrong approach for keeping our children safe in all of our schools!

Therefore, we oppose the following bills:
SB27: Permits armed marshals in schools.
SB59: Allows armed guards in kindergarten through 12th grade schools
SB146: Allows private schools to authorize some employees and volunteers to have firearms, tear gas or stun guns on campus if properly trained. It also allows concealed handgun permit-holders to bring their weapons on parochial school property if they are attending a worship service there.

Why is this important?

This petition is in direct response to recent bills introduced in the North Carolina House and Senate just in the first two months of 2013 to bring unnecessary gun protection measures into our public and private schools.
