To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Keep Guns Out of the Wrong Hands & Preventing Illegal Gun Trafficking

The Certificate of Handguns Registration Act (HB 5831) would close dangerous loopholes in Illinois’ patchwork of inconsistent gun laws, and create a more comprehensive system designed to improve public safety, promote gun owner accountability and provide law enforcement with the information and systems necessary to solve gun crimes, keep illegal gun traffickers out of business and to approach potentially dangerous crime scenes as carefully as possible.

Why is this important?

The recent gun violence that killed six year old Aliyah Shell in Little Village and 7 year old Heaven Sutton on the Westside as well as the massacres in the Aurora, Colorado movie theater and against the Sikh Community in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, and the tragedy at Sandy Hook elementary demonstrates that we must stop the senseless killings by fire arms, and have better control over the firearms that enter our communities.