To: Board of Education, Mayor of Chicago Illinois, Name, Title or Position (optional), President Donald Trump, The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, Governor J.B. Pritzker, The United States House of Representatives, and The U...


Support our young students in keeping their school Hearst Elementary School on west 47th street from closing by signing this petition. Everyone has to come together in one voice. There are statements that mention that “OUR YOUTH ARE OUR FUTURE” if this is so every adult that is walking and talking should be concern about the future of our youth’s educational experiences.

In years passed the community and parents has not had a voice in what happen to and within our community public schools. There are yearly hearing whereas there are suppose to be a public forums where the powers to be are to hear what the community thinks and act to the problem accordingly. After the hearing is over the board of education still do what they want to do and not listen to the suggestions of the community.

Case in point, many high school had been closed and students was transferred to Hyde Park located on 63rd & Stony Island, daily there has been gang fights, students had been killed from shootings, fights on the public bus and the Chicago Police Dept. walking 63rd street with machine guns.

Each Chicago Public School has a community government body which the Chicago Public Schools has tried over the years to get put of the picture by down grading them and not really supporting the general idea of community control and listening to the community voice.

The current battle cry is “Charter Schools” which if not all of us, most believe are better, when in fact the best of best Chicago Public Schools students are taken from the public schools and the Charter schools take credit for their learning and good grades and almost to the minute their grades drop they are most likely put out of the charter school. Many businesses and others are investing in Charter Schools because of the very large pay daya fir the owners.

It’s nothing about educating our children it all about those dead white presidents printed on green paper. It has nothing to do with our students learning in a positive educational learning environment.

We need to voice in one voice that our communities’ schools stop being closed with out the input of our students, parents, school’s staff and community members at large.
Need more support from the City of Chicago, the Chicago’s Board of Education and the Chicago Public Schools of each community school’s Local School Council. "STOP CLOING COMMUNITY SCHOOLS!"

Why is this important?

My son attends Hearst Elementary School which it has been stated may be closed. Our children's education should be our first and top priority and the stated cuts shuold be stopped.