To: Name, Title or Position (optional)

Keep Kim in May 2014 Class

Kim Brown will be allowed to make up her peds clinical days, stay in ob/peds class, and remain in sequence with the May 2014 graduating class of IU School of Nursing.

Why is this important?

We are in need of your assistance. A grave injustice is being served to one of our fellow classmates, Kim Brown. Kim suffered the loss of her baby after having to emergently deliver her at just 21weeks gestation. The baby unfortunately did not make it and the nursing school is attempting to force Kim to retake peds/ob clinical because she missed one week (although there are a built in 2 make up days) and told her not to come to the next week (thus now missing 4 clinical days not by choice). She has been told that she can still continue on for medsurg clinicals and hopefully make up peds/ob this summer if someone in the accelerated program drops out, which so far no one has. We are asking for your signature on the below petition for the school of nursing to allow Kim to make up the clinical days on the built in make up days and also during her medsurg clinical rotation ( she's in pep and will only have to go one day so the other day she can fit in peds/ob). This is very time sensitive so please add your name below if you would like to help fight this injustice and support Kim. Thank you.
